
The year has started on the nursery with lots of wind and rain which has not been so much fun and caused a little damage to some of our polythene tunnels.

On a more positive note have been busy sorting through our cuttings and are pleased to report many of those which were stuck at the end of 2023 already have roots.

The first lockdown of March 23rd came at a critical time for selling our overwintered stock and propagating for the coming season. We dithered about whether it was sensible to propagate. If we didn't  pot it on we wouldn't have anything to sell, but would we have any customers?


The year is drawing to a close and we have another spell of wind and rain to contend with. In spite of the weather we are still busy with sales, mainly to our hardy landscape customers, who don't let a bit rain and mud put them off!

Like most nurseries this is the busiest time of the year and it’s difficult to get everything done. Very much the same as jobs in the garden, it all wants doing at the same time.

Last weekend, the first May bank holiday, we had frosts which damaged young growth on some plants. It should be warm enough now to put out young plants that are tender - at least in the south of the country.

After a wonderful spell of weather last month, March has started with wind and rain. However in spite of this sales are booming. As well as getting orders ready we are trying to keep up with potting, so we have a succession of plants coming on. This is also the time of year when we split grasses and herbaceous plants.


Sorry it’s late - you can tell February is a bit of an “iffy” month, in that you never know how it will go - awful or okay.

We seem to have had a bit of both. Awful in the way of storms, which are now glorified by naming them. Why? It’s a storm not a person!


We are enjoying, if that's the right phrase, mild dull windless weather in South Devon, but according to the forecast not for much longer. I hope we don't have another cold spell later on in the winter when the plants are starting to grow.

We needed some rain and now we have had it in abundance, plants on the outside beds that were suffering from drought are now waterlogged!  More damaging than the rain were the gales, having managed to re-cover three tunnels in the autumn we lost half of our large twin span tunnel to the latest storm. With winter now with us there is little chance of repairing it until the spring.
