February 2017 News From The Nursery

If February is to continue in this current manner I am glad it's a short month. We are waiting to be engulfed in rain (already here) and gale force winds, up 70 mph, so not a nice prospect.
At least it is mild at the moment so we are taking advantage of that and potting frantically.

Sales have been good for the time of year and we have sold out of some lines. Hence the potting activity on days when fingers are not frozen!

The rain and wind is making a mess of any herbaceous and ornamental grass plantings. I do leave mine until the new year as a home for wildlife and to reduce damaging cold winds on more tender treasures. However the grasses are beginning to send up new shoots so if I don't cut them down soon I will be chopping off the new growth.

There is still plenty of time for a big freeze as the newspapers like to call every low temperature event! So keep the fleece handy and an eye on the weather forecast.

Remember to check containers that might get waterlogged – put feet under them, big pebbles, bricks anything to raise them up so water drains out.

The best thing at this time of year is to enjoy the early flowers – Aconitites, Snowdrops, Hellebores and of course the bulbs coming through that you knew what they were in the autumn when you planted them and now - well they will be a nice surprise.